What is an indicator?

Your body temperature is an indicator of your health (graphic). If your temperature is high you know something is not quite right. It may not be serious but it ‘indicates’ that you should act to find the cause.

With enough good indicators we can see how well our society is travelling, and in which direction. We can see what’s improving, as well as what’s getting worse.
This will help us all plan for a healthier future. Indicators of what?

For the health of our bodies we need several indicators: temperature, weight, blood pressure, for instance. Likewise we need several indicators to give us some idea of the health of the environment, and several more for the health of our community, more again for our economy and more for our own well-being.


The media and government often use the growth of the economy as an indicator of our economic health.

(Graph of Peter Costello looking smug, or a newspaper headline)
This is often assumed to be the same as the health of our society. Well we think GDP can’t tell us anything much (link to song – waveform not text) except the amount of money that’s exchanged in Australia. There are other things that are just as important – pleasure and happiness in our lives, where we live and what we do; comfort, health, sociable atmosphere, active community, amenities, environment, ..... they are all part of what makes us what we are. So how do we improve these things, as well as economic prosperity?

The first step is knowing where we are and what we have, and where we’d like to be. So it would be useful to have some indicators of the things that are important to our community (link to Cardinia Indicators).


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