I was born quite young actually, before my first birthday. Until I was eleven I was isolated from life, tucked away safe and sound in a Day Training Centre. At this time I was unable to communicate in any way, other than by using bad behavior. When I was eleven I was enrolled at my local primary school and the “cotton wool” was gradually unwrapped, exposing me to the pain and joy of the real world.

It wasn’t until I was thirteen that I participated in a momentous appointment at DEAL, with Rosie Crossley, that revolutionized my life. It was here that it was found that I was not entirely stupid, only a little bit. I learned to communicate with a keyboard and my life has not been the same since. Now I was not only expected to attend regular school, I had to do the same work as the other kids. This took a lot of effort. Quite apart from the challenge of the workload, I also had to put up with the prejudice of many of the staff and students. However, with the support of wonderful people such as the deputy principal, Treva McGregor, some of the teachers, my integration aides and my fabulous parents, I weathered the storm and actually managed to enjoy some of my schooling.